Saturday, June 19, 2010

Update 6/19/10 Returning to Normal

Not much to update now, I expect this will be the last update until I get more news from the doctor.  Physical pain in now greatly reduced.  I can't run or do pull-ups, but otherwise walking, sleeping, showering, and everyday activities are pretty close to normal.  Still a little pain sitting down & getting up, a little light headed sometimes, a little fatigued.  But overall significantly better. 

I can't imagine I'll be able to run any earlier than Tuesday, and probably not until later in the week.  And those first runs will be slow, short, and comprised of a lot of walking Bica in-between.  But it won't be long, I'd wager, until I'm back to running many miles and yelling at Julie that she's too slow.

Baseball game tomorrow afternoon.  It's about a 1.5 mile walk to the stadium which I think is how we'll get there & return.  So that 3 mile walk will be my most exercise since Monday 6/14.  Looking forward to that more than the game, in some ways.

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